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Empowering workers Engagement for a Reliable EV Charging Network

Workers, especially retailers, shop owners and franchisers, have the potential to indirectly impact the functionality of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations through their informed decisions and the promotion of responsible practices. However, an alternative approach warrants consideration: a shared responsibility for maintaining the proper functionality of EV chargers.

Workers, shop owners and franchisers can make deliberate choices when installing EV
chargers, selecting models compatible with established and well-maintained infrastructure.

This strategic decision indirectly contributes to the upkeep of these networks. By actively
advocating for dependable charging solutions and engaging in discourse about their
experiences, retailers hold both manufacturers and charging service providers accountable for upholding high operational standards.

While EV users collectively share the duty of using charging stations responsibly – following protocols such as avoiding overcharging, refraining from occupying spaces unnecessarily after charging, and showing consideration for fellow users – the integration of public charging stations near shops offers a unique opportunity. Workers, especially retail workers, can provide guidance on regulations and even assisting in car exchanges in areas where charging station availability is limited and car owners may be absent for extended periods.

In case an EV user encounters a malfunctioning charger, they are advised to promptly report the issue to the charging network operator or appropriate authorities, facilitating timely maintenance and repair. However, a more proactive approach involves workers
collaborating with charging companies to routinely inspect charger functionality.
This proactive stance reduces repair times, relying less on users' reporting and more on consistent maintenance checks. Moreover, businesses can receive training on maintenance guidelines, best practices, and user experiences, enabling them to share this knowledge with customers. Additionally, some workers could undergo training in EV charging maintenance, allowing them to fix chargers themselves if needed, saving time, money, and providing better service to clients.

In essence, while retail workers do possess the capacity to influence the EV charging
infrastructure through their choices and preferences, the concept of shared responsibility can prove beneficial for all stakeholders. I propose integrating a broad network of businesses – from shopping centers to gyms – into this framework, aligning their interests for mutual benefit.

This approach enhances the EV charging ecosystem, fostering collaboration among various entities and individuals, ultimately promoting a more reliable, accessible, and efficient EV charging network.

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